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B.Math [Computing Science] (UOW)
Certificates in Astronomy and Cosmology (UCLan)
Certificate of Higher Education in Astronomy with Distinction (UCLan)
B.Sc. Astronomy [Honors] 1st Class (UCLan)
PhD Candidate in Relativistic Quantum Information (UQ) (Former)
PhD Candidate in Philosophy: Time in Physics (UQ) (Current)
Address: P.O. Box 5245, Erina Fair, NSW,2250, Australia.
+61 418 676 586
Associations & Societies:
- Fellow of the Institute of Science and Technology (UK) FIST [Formerly].
- Member of the Institute of Physics (UK) [Formerly].
- Affiliate Member of Minkowski Institute.
- Member of the Australian Institute of Physics.
- Member of the Australian Society for General Relativity & Gravitation (ASGRG).
- Member of the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation (ISGRG).
Area of Physics Interest:
General Relativity, Special Relativity, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Astrophysics, and Bohmian Mechanics.
Journal Publications
- ‘Intrinsic Time in Quantum Mechanics,’ General Relativity and Gravitation (Pending), 2024.
- ‘Black Holes as Time-Entangled Phenomena,’ Foundations of Physics (Pending), available at SSRN 4841998 2024.
- ‘Opposing-orthogonal representation of Minkowski Spacetime,’ European Journal of Physics (Pending), 2024.
- ‘Relativistic Bohmian trajectories of photons via weak measurements,’ Nature Communications, 13 (1), 2022.
- ‘Relativistically invariant Bohmian trajectories of photons,’ Research Square 2021.
- ‘Quantum Relativity Unification,’ Minkowski Institute Press, Volume 1, Sept 2020.
- ‘Tests of General Relativity: A Review,’ arXiv:1705.04397, May 2017.
- ‘Albert Einstein,’ (Editorial) Asian Journal of Physics, Vol. 25, Nos 5, March 2015.
- ‘The Collaboration of Mileva Maria and Albert Einstein,’ Asian Journal of Physics, Vol. 25, Nos 5, March 2015.
- ‘GAIA: the Dawn of High Precision Micro-Arcsecond Astrometry,’ Journal of Science and Tech. UK, Oct. 2013.
- ‘The Controversy over the Presence of Water on the Moon,’ Journal of Science and Technology UK, July 2012.
- ‘Origins, Part 2: The General Theory of Relativity,’ Journal of Science and Technology UK, Jan 2012.
- ‘Origins, Part 1: The Special Theory of Relativity,’ Journal of Science and Technology UK, June 2011.
- ‘Australian Telescopes: A Retrospective,’ Journal of Science and Technology UK, July 2010.
- ‘Interview with Professor Lawrence Krauss,’ Journal of Science and Technology UK, August 2010.
Click here to see full publication list
Journal Publications – Planned:
- ‘Spacetime Diaphaneity and Quantum Time,’ Unknown journal.
- ‘Artificial Gravity using Einstein’s Equivalence Principle,’ Space Science Reviews.
- ‘Gravitational Redshift Correction to Astrophysical Distance Calibration,’ Unknown journal.
- ‘Einstein’s Unified Field Theory – a review,‘ Unknown journal.
Science Magazine Publications:
- ‘Stuck’ quantum matter waves prove theory,’ Cosmos Magazine, 7th October 2011.
- ‘Is the universe expanding asymmetrically?,’ Cosmos Magazine, 26th Sept 2011.
- ‘Dark matter signals detected?,’ Cosmos Magazine, 15th Sept 2011.
- ‘Undergrad student overcomes invisibility hurdle,’ Cosmos Magazine, 16th Aug 2011.
- ‘The Milky Way galaxy’s new shape,’ Cosmos Magazine, 19th July 2011.
- ‘Neptune’s day measured to the second,’ Cosmos Magazine, 4th July 2011.
Conference Presentations:
- ‘Bohmian Trajectories, Weak-Values, and Relativity‘ – Poster presentation at the AIP Congress 2018,
10th December 5.30-6.30 p.m. - ‘Bohmian Trajectories, Weak-Values, and Relativity‘ – Talk 25-minute with 5-minute question time, at
RQI South, Customs House, Brisbane, 20th – 22 February 2019.
Society Presentations:
- ‘My Journey through the Cosmos‘ – 3th March 2017, NAS: Newcastle University.
- ‘Particles and the Forces between Them‘ – 6th September 2013 – NAS: Newcastle University.
- ‘Water in the Solar System‘ – 4th April 2013 – Sutherland Astronomical Society, Green Point Observatory.
- ‘Cosmology and the role of the General Theory of Relativity‘ – 5th October 2012 – NAS: Newcastle University.
- ‘GAIA: the Dawn of High Precision Micro-Arcsecond Astrometry‘ – 6th July 2012 – NAS: Newcastle University.
- ‘Cosmology and the role of the General Theory of Relativity‘ – 7th June 2012 – Sutherland Astro. Society (SAS).
- ‘Water on the Moon‘ – 3rd Feb 2012 – Newcastle Astronomical Society (NAS): Newcastle University.
My Courses:
I created and ran three courses on cosmology at the Central Coast Community College, University of Newcastle campus in Ourimbah, NSW. These courses ran for a full year in 2013-2014.
- ‘Our Universe – Introduction’ – introduction to basic concepts and an overview of the concordance model.
- ‘Our Universe – Intermediate’ – expanding on the first course, using high school mathematics.
- ‘Our Universe – Advanced’ – expanding with a non-tensor mathematical analysis of Einstein’s relativity.
Research Interests:
My area of interest is Special and General Relativity and its relationship with Cosmology and time. I like Astronomy in general and theoretical physics; combining these subjects takes up most of my academic study time. Special Relativity and unified theories, including string theory, are also on the list. I am a bit of an Einstein buff, and I also enjoy reading about Einstein’s work.
Biographical Sketch:
My name is Estelle Asmodelle. I am a professional artist and scientist. I have been painting all my life and have exhibited in many countries and galleries around the world. You can see more of my art at Abstract Artist. I was born 50 years to the day of Robert Oppenheimer’s birth and 230 years to the day of Immanuel Kant’s birth. It seems rather auspicious, considering my areas of interest.
In my early academic life, I studied toward a B.Sc. (Physics), then transferred two years later to a B.Math (Computing Science). My passion for relativity and cosmology was first sparked in these early student days.
In the past, I’ve also been a director of two other technology companies in Australia and have been actively involved in the research and development of innovative technologies as a designer and inventor. I’ve worked with computers most of my life, have designed automated systems, and have published over a dozen patents and articles in technology publications in robotics and machine control systems. I have had to deal with many academics at various universities within Australia regarding the systems I’ve designed and consulted with professors in electrical and mechanical engineering and some physics departments.
More recently, since 2008, I’ve returned to university and continued my passion for astronomy and cosmology. I am working towards a B.Sc. (Hons.) in Astronomy with the University of Central Lancashire, UCLAN, in the UK. I am active in writing about astrophysics and relativity and am a student member of the Institute of Physics (UK) and a student member of the Australasian Society for General Relativity and Gravitation (Aust.) I have written for Cosmos magazine (Australia) and have also written feature articles for the Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology in the UK, about astrophysics and relativity.
In 2012, I started getting invitations to various astronomical groups to give presentations in my areas of interest, and these invitations are continuing. For anyone interested in learning more about my activities, there is a list of these presentations on this page.
Some items about me:
- Looking at the Big Picture, about my cosmology course, May 2013.
- Women in Physics Article about me (page 5) – in this issue by the Institute of Physics (UK) 2013.
- UCLan Study Astronomy website news – this is at UCLAN (UK) 2012.
In 2017, I completed my B.Sc. Astronomy [honours 1st class]. Then, in January of 2018, I started studying for a PhD in Relativistic Quantum Information at Queensland University. The doctoral thesis was entitled:
‘Quantum interpretations in relativistic quantum information [RQI].’
Names of advisors: Professor Timothy Ralph (Principal) and Dr Austin Lund (Associate).
However, I felt that working in RQI was really interesting, yet it would not take me to my goal of unifying quantum mechanics and general relativity. And so, I started the process of starting a new doctoral thesis under the supervision of Dr Peter Evans at The University of Queensland, in philosophy, entitled:
‘Time in Physics.‘