Tuesday, 16 August 2011
by Estelle Asmodelle
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In the diagram a light trajectory is shown. The light ray enters the device, completes a loop, bounces off the mirror twice and leaves the cloak with its original direction restored (A).
Credit: Perczel et al & New J. Phys.

Panel (B) gives a closer view of the vicinity of the inner branch of the cloak. Objects placed within the white region are invisible.
Credit: Perczel et al & New J. Phys.
PERTH: One of the roadblocks in the development of invisibility cloaking has been cleared by an unlikely new inventor – an undergraduate student from the UK.
By introducing a unique optical device into a cloaking system, Janos Perczel from the University of St Andrews in Scotland has discovered that invisibility cloaking can still operate at speeds below the normal speed of light, known as subluminal light speeds.